Where There is Love, You Are Not Too Sensitive

Katrina Bos
4 min readJun 28, 2019

Empaths are often told that they are too sensitive. It isn’t that we are too sensitive. The problem is that people have had to put up great walls of protection from each other for as long as we can remember… because we didn’t understand what love was… and the kind of connection that is actually possible between humans.

We are all connected. Empaths know this more than anyone. And we are connected through love.

The love we have for each person might have different depths and flavours… but it is always about the connection between us. And where there isn’t connection, empaths experience a certain kind of suffering because it just goes against everything that we are. We feel completely alone — even though we are surrounded by people.

But of course, this distance between us, this lack of love, has been part of our history for a long time.

The world has been a difficult place to live. And although it is still hard in places, right now, we might be living in the most peaceful and loving time in recorded history.

But when we look at the generations of our parents, grandparents, and great-grand-parents, they often lived in very difficult times where loving connection just wasn’t important or even considered. (In every generation, there are always exceptions… loving threads running through the world… but the majority of people struggle daily to experience genuine unconditional love.)

Let’s just visit our great-grandparents and beyond for a moment.

They got married just to get out of the house, because they got pregnant, through arranged marriages, or simply because that is what was done. Women couldn’t work and had no rights so they had to get married to even have an identity. And they had to stay because they couldn’t divorce and if they did, they (and their children) could starve because they couldn’t work.

This allowed for all kinds of behaviour within those relationships. Nobody could leave, so anything went. There could be abuse and violence — emotionally, physically, or mentally.

Because of this, we lived in a constant state of separation. And when we feel separate from others, we can be mean, sarcastic, passive-aggressive, etc because we see the…



Katrina Bos

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: katrinabos.ca